
"khamounda" means "i love you" in Soninke (a tribal language in Africa)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

it's about knowing and getting what you want in life

"Saying the words doesn't make it so."
-Step Up the movie-

Yep! That's right, whatever words come out from your mouth won't change anything without... an action. I watched that movie with some friends last weekend. Nice story, great coreo and dancers!

Anyways, I had a serious talk with my folks last night about my plan to study Mandarin in China. I've once mentioned about it to them quite a long time ago, but back then, they don't really agree with the idea of letting me go to study abroad. Not only because they worried, but it's about financial too.

Yet, those things didn't stop me. I tried to mention about it to my mom a couple of times lately. And, she told about it to my dad. And, last night, when we're having dinner, he finally opened up the topic. Surprisingly, he changed his mind! He sounded ok with the idea of letting me go to study to China. He even said, "If that's what you really want, than I'll support you and your decision."

What he said totally made my day! It's one of the moments in life when I know what I want to do in life and having my love ones support me for it. And life, is about knowing what you want and work hard to make it come true. I sometime feel jealous with people who know what they want to do in life since young age.

One example is Wade Robson, the famous dancer and coreographer. He's been dancing since he's very young (around 6 years old maybe) and made a success in "Star Search" - an old reality show for talent search. He said he always knew that he wants to be a dancer when he grow up. And that's what he is now. Another example is a friend of mine. Her name is Deta. She's been singing since she's very young (a friend said since she was still 4 or 5) and now she's taking a major in singing or vocal (or whatever you name it) in one of the oldest uni in Holland. She sure is a diva will be. I'm sure of that. =)

The sooner you know what you want to do in life, the sooner you work hard to achieve it, the sooner you can live a better life. As in the movie I saw, when Tyler finally know what he wants, he worked hard to pursue it. From a rebellious teenage who grow up in foster home, he changed, show his talent, practice and admitted in a fine art school. He's having a better future for sure. While, for me, I hope my decision this time is what I really really want and can bring me a better future. Life is all about knowing what you want and work hard to have it your hand and before you realize it, you're livin' your dream!


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